Mar 15, 2024OSHRM-SOHA Spring Conference

Professional Societies

Join the Ohio Society of Health Care Risk Managers and the Society for Ohio Health Care Attorneys members, as well as attorneys and risk management professionals, for the annual in-person spring conference. Gain an understanding of key risk management and legal issues currently affecting hospitals.

Continuing Education Credits
The Ohio Hospital Association, OLN-0017-P, is approved as a provider unit of continuing education by the Ohio Board of Nursing through the approver unit at the Ohio League for Nursing (OBN-006-92) and provider unit status is valid through June 2026. CPHRM credits and CLE credits are also available.  Contact Casey Strader with questions at

Registration Fees

  • Members of OHA/OSHRM/SOHA: $150/person
  • Non-Members: $200/person

For all registration questions, please contact our registrar Sherri Cohen at 614-221-7614, or

Hotel Information – Reserve by Feb. 20
OHA has reserved a small block of rooms at a group rate. Please make your hotel reservations directly with The Blackwell Inn at 1-866-247-4003 – mention the group code “OHIOHOSP” when booking to receive the group rate of $169/night + tax. Deadline to receive the group rate is Feb. 20. After this date, rooms will be available at the regular rate.

Who Should Attend
Risk managers, hospital attorneys, outside counsel, health law attorneys, CEOs, directors of quality management and compliance officers

More Information
See the full event brochure

Quick Links

OHA Contact

Jackie Silvis

Jackie Silvis

Manager, Member Support Services